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IMPROVEMENTSAND PRESERVATIONIn 2016, the concessionaire AB Nascentes das Gerais, proceeded with the project to expand the lanes in all 6 toll plazas, over 10 km in dual carriageways, amongst other improvement works. Also, worthy of note is the initiative to recover more than 17 hectares of areas of permanent preservation in the Rio São Francisco region. It is estimated that 7.7% of the GDP of Minas Gerais is concentrated in the area of in uence of the MG-050 system.AWARENESS CAMPAIGNSTo guarantee the safety of users, every year the concessionaire Rodovias do Tietê carries out an extensive information campaign on the prohibition of Via Rondon in the rainy season (January to March), directing drivers on alternative routes of signalled diversions. In addition, in the rst half of 2016, the concessionaire transferred more than R$5 million in ISSQN to the 25 municipalities bordering the stretches under its concession.AB Concessões controls one of the largest groups of road concessions in the world25