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4MESSAGE OF THE C.E.OCONCESSIONS: ESSENTIAL FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF HIGHWAYS IN BRAZILBrazil is a country of continental proportions with a poor transportation infrastructure. In the context of scal crisis, that undermines the breath of government nancial investments, the best - maybe the only - way out, is private investment.The highway concessions program, therefore, has become a key player in the search for an infrastructure worthy of the 21st century. It’s a model renewed and tested for 20 years after the rebidding of the Rio-Niterói bridge in 2015. It’s guided by transparency in the process of choosing the concessionaire, technical capacity and regulation and supervision by independent agencies. The gures show that on concession highways, there has been a 23% drop in the mortality rate since 2011, with the prospect of investment in the next ve years. The outcome, according to the 2016 CNT survey, is that the country’s 19 best and most rated highways are concessions.The concessions sector is essential for the country’s development because it; formulates policies, pays taxes, is in the capital market, attracts indirect investors, improves the infrastructure and generates jobs and income