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It is urgent to invest in the construction of a road network based on highways - dual carriageways with modern infrastructure, to guarantee security, productivity, and competitivenessThe path is already laid out: Brazil needs to invest in the construction of a road network based on highways - dual carriageways with the structure to guarantee security, productivity, and competitiveness. For this purpose, the government must re-evaluate the existing contracts and adapt them to the current reality, with predictability, planning, and objectivity, correcting possible economic imbalances caused by the recession, that has been going on for two years.Ensuring legal certainty is another essential factor, avoiding innocuous regulatory bureaucratic practices, especially when not foreseen in the initial commitment. A clear example was the Truckers’ Law, published in 2015, which, by increasing the load limit, caused a 15% increase in the maintenance costs of the road surface.ABCR’s role is to bring clear and distinct proposals which are necessary for the country to move forward. The private sector cannot receive the meal ready, without being heard beforehand. The concessions model is essential for the country’s development because it formulates policies, pays taxes, is in the capital market, attracts indirect investors, improves infrastructure and generates jobs and income. Currently, the sector generates about 55 thousand posts.This Annual Report of 2016, brings the entire landscape of the sector of concessions in the year, challenges surpassed by ABCR and the outlook for the next cycle. We cannot be condemned to transit through precarious roads with a structure from the 1950s, compromising productive activity and endangering the lives of millions of Brazilians. A developed country is a country with high- quality highways.Good reading.César BorgesPresident and CEO of ABCR5