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CONSÓRCIOSCONSTRUCTIONIn 2016, the concessionaire Bahia Norte began constructing the 11.2 km of the Via Metropolitana, which will give access to the beaches and hotel complexes of the north of the state, reducing traf c in the municipality of Lauro de Freitas. The concessionaire is responsible for one of the principal corridors of circulation and distribution, for the products and services of Bahia, interconnecting the Industrial Center of Aratu (CIA), Industrial Cluster of Camaçari, the Port Terminal of Aratu and the International Airport of Salvador.SAFE INTERVENTIONSOn the Rota do Atlântico, road interventions in 2016, focused on road safety, with the upgrading of the road surface, the revamping of horizontal and vertical signs, installation of electronic radars and re ective signalling of defenses. In the institutional context, for the second consecutive year, the concessionaire ranked in the ranking of the 10 Best Companies to Work, in Pernambuco, advancing from 8th to 7th place, in the survey conducted by the Great Place to Work Institute. In the social area, Rota do Atlântico was recognized by the program “Na Mão Certa,da Childhood Brazil”, as a signatory of the Business Pact to Combat Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents.44666,5 KMViaRioRenoviasBahia Norte Rota do Atlântico CRT

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