Page 19 - CEAP Report Activities 2018
P. 19

Duration: 1 year.
Public: youngsters studying the 7thgrade of Regular School. About the course: In this course, the youngsters start to develop projects in practice, developing robots’ prototypes, lifting systems, electric gates and several other projects through further study of programming, which includes themes, such as algorithms, logical programming, software development, among others. That way, besides understanding technological concepts, the youngsters start to apply this knowledge in practice, actively participating in the creation of a certain system.
Duration: 1 year.
Public: youngsters studying the 8thgrade of Regular School. About the course: In the course of Basic Computer Skills, the student learns the basic concepts of computer skills, starting with the correct way of typing, identifying all the computer peripherals and operating Windows and Linux operational systems. The student also learns how to share network files, text editing, spreadsheet (graphics, data insertion, work with formulas) and notions of accounting (debit/credit; asset/liability; develop a balance sheet).
Duration: 1 year.
Public: youngsters studying the 9thgrade of Regular School. About the course: In the course of Applied Computer Skills, the students start to learn how to program in different languages, database, operational systems and management of e-mails. They also develop reading skills and interpret electronic schemes, having practical experiences in the laboratory. The student of the Applied Computer Skills course also learns notions of administration, marketing, and accounting.
    “CEAP has a wide range of partners, encourages students to attend Higher Education and constantly seeks improvement and innovation. We have known success stories since the Institute became a partner of CEAP. In the vast majority, the youngsters, who had access to projects with an incentive to study, embraced and continued their professional and academic development. So, although we know that education is not an isolated problem, we believe the access to quality education can create unique opportunities.”
Isabel Aché Pillar
Director of Credit Suisse Hedging-Griffo Institute

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