Page 23 - CEAP Report Activities 2018
P. 23

To CEAP, the student is the center of the educational process, for this reason, he must become the protagonist of his own academic performance.
Thinking about this, in 2017 CEAP implemented a new teaching methodology called PBL (Project Based Learning), a modern teaching technique, which seeks to promote practical experiences in the academic environment. PBL aims to move the picture of the protagonist from teacher to student, through projects in which the youngsters must seek knowledge through research and teacher guidance, who is always present during the learning process. The students are involved in a research process, scenario building, resource searching and practical application of information until a solution or a final product is reached.
To introduce this methodology in the courses of
CEAP, it was necessary for the teachers’ formation so that they could understand and apply the new form of teaching. The implementation process was, definitely, a great challenge, but the results have already appeared.
Following this working model, to converge the different skills and knowledge seen in the classroom, the students from the Basic Robotics course developed “on their own”, in Science, Domotics and Manual Practices subjects, models of automatic cars built from recyclable materials. After researching, assembling and testing the projects, the students presented to their respective classes the results found, their positive and negative impressions, possible improvements and knowledge acquired during the activity. Making this self-criticism with their mentors, the youngsters project improvements and take a further step toward knowledge.

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