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CONCESSIONS: A MODEL OF SUCCESSTHE BASIS OF THE MODELBASIC FUNDAMENTALS12310REGULATORY STRUCTURELaws 8.987 / 95 and 9.074 / 95, which order about concessions, and law 10.233 / 01, of the creation of ANTT.Initial toll, criterion for readjustment and program of works and quality of xed services in contract.Preservationof economic equilibrium. Financing of contracts and correspondent Internal Rate of Return. Business Plan linked to the winning bid of the auction.Recomposition of the equilibrium of contracts resulting from new works and servicesby marginal discounted cash ow methodology (ANTT Resolution 3.651 / 11)ECONOMIC EQUATION OF THE CONCESSIONENTRIESTARIFF POLICYTARIFFREAJUST ANNUALLYREDRESSING$$ Ancillary revenuesOUTPUTSRemuneration of government by grants and taxesInvestmentsOperational and nancial costs and pro tToll tariff revenue($)CONCESSION PERIODPrice de ned at auctionReplacement of losses with of cial in ationReplacement of new conditions$$ $