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BRAZIL IN A GLOBAL SCENARIO OF HIGHWAY INFRASTRUCTUREUNITED STATES9.834.000 km2 of total area438,1 km of paved highways for every 1.000 km2 of areaThe density of the paved road network in Brazil is still very small, especially when compared to other similarly sized countries. The country occupies the 111th position in the ranking of global competitiveness, of the World Economic Forum, in aspects of the quality of highway infrastructure. In total, 138 countries were analyzed and, in South America, the highest rankings were Chile (30th), Uruguay (98th) and Argentina (103rd).BRAZIL8.516.000 km2 of total area25 km of paved highway for every 1.000 km2 of areaDENSITY OF THE DUAL CARRIAGEWAY HIGHWAY NETWORKCHINA9.597.000 km2 of total area359,9 km of paved highways for every 1.000 km2 of areaDensity of highways (Km/1.000 km2 of area)8XSource: CNTBrazil had a highways network, 8 times smaller than that of the United States in 2013.BRAZIL1,3RUSSIA17.100.000 km2 of total area54,3 km of paved highways for every 1.000 km2 of area9Source: Bain & Company study (2013)USA10,1