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HOW THE RESOURCES ARE INVESTEDMaintenance works and improvements like dual carriageways, new lanes /stretches, signage, paving, walkways, crossings, accesses, boundaries and special engineered projects.Campaigns communication with a focus on awareness and the encouragement of drivers to maintain safe attitudes on routes. In addition to work on health issues and environmental education.Attendance services: Medical help, mechanical repair, tow trucks, amongst others. Which guarantee security and comfort of the user.20Operational Control Centers: Rooms with monitors that transmit, in real time, the images of the cameras installed on the highways and the information from other monitoring instruments, such as data from road meteorological stations, counters of traf c, as well as the answering of highway emergency telephones.REDUCTION OF THE ACCIDENT INDEX IN 2016The number of deaths on federal highways fell by 16% between end-of-year holiday period, school holidays and carnival, in comparison to the same period of 2015/2016. According to the balance of Operation Highway, conducted at the end of the year by the Federal Highway Police, on the coun- try’s federal highways, between the end of last year and the end of February.In São Paulo, the state with the highest number of highways under con- cession, there was a 41% drop in the number of fatal accidents duringthe Tiradentes extended holiday (April 21st) in 2017, compared to that of 2016 - According to Artesp (State Transport Agency). Other positive data was the reduction of 4% in the total number of accidents in the rst quarter of 2017, compared to the gures for the same period last year.It is also worth mentioning the 17% reduction in the number of animals knocked over on concession highways in São Paulo. In 2014, the index was 1,439, in 2015 it reduced to 1,320, and in 2016 to 1,191 cases, thanks to the preventive actions of the concessionaires, in partnership with the regulatory agency.