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INVESTMENTS OF CONCESSIONARIES FROM 2007 TO 2015*1st Stage2nd Stage2nd Stage. Phase 2 3rd Stage2007 2008 2009 2010* Investments of concessionaires on concession federal highways, in the periodbetween 2007 and 2015 / Source: Annual Report 2015 (ANTT).TRANSFER OF ISSQNConcessionaires transferred approximately R$ 800 million to municipalities bordering the highways in 2016 in ISSQN (Tax on Services of any Nature), 9.15% (R$62.3 mi) higher than that collected in 2015 (R$679,5 million). According to a survey conducted by ABCR.The transfer is destined to go to the municipalities that are cropped by the stretches administered by the concessionaires. The resource is invested in improving infrastructure and contributing to local development. In practice, the concession model brings a new recipe for the municipalities, since it enables, investment in health, education, sports and works in the surrounding regions.By collecting the tax, determined by law, the concessionaires alone contributed in 2016, to the economic and social progress of more than 840 Brazilian municipalities. The collection follows the extension of highways in the jurisdiction of each municipality. In the last six years, the amount has reached R$4,977 billion.192011 2012 2013 2014 2015324.378439.4871.544.250403.491980.4334.260514.214886.404320.774627.6901.300.485974.646551.4791.626.54176.120554.6771.667.203465.15350.138865.9402.091.292204.4622.349.907658.2901.484.210184.6162.818.975

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