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INDIVIDUAL CONCESSIONERSdeposit the toll change in collection boxes,  xed in the collection booths, and the amount is donated to a charity in the surrounding region.TRAFFIC SPEEDED-UPThe SPMar concessionaire, which manages the southern and eastern stretches of the RodoAnel Mário Covas, a metropolitan ring road around the city of São Paulo, continuously develops a series of initiatives to speed-up traf c on the road. Just during the Finados holiday in November 2016, for example, about 240,000 vehicles circulated on the highways. In these cases, SPMar carries out operations to reduce queues in the toll plazas and intensi es the monitoring of the entire extension, including staff reinforcements.PARTNERSHIP WITH UNIVERSITYIn 2016, the concessionaire Tamoios signed an unprecedented partnership with Univap, the main university in the Vale do Paraíba, for the construction of a Wild Animal Rehabilitation Center (CRAS), a model structure in the region. At the beginning of 2017, the installation of lighting on the mountain stretch was also delivered, with approximately 16 km, which accounts for more than 16.9 thousand meters of electric network.48

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