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FREE OPERATIONS AND SERVICESIn 2016, the concessionaire Morro da Mesa inaugurated the Operational Service Base, which offers users of MT-130, under the company’s concession (between Rondonópolis and Primavera do Leste), a series of free services, such as rest areas, toilets, changing facilities and information stations on the highway.MODERN ADMINISTRATIONResponsible for the administration, recovery, maintenance and operation of a 200.4 km extension of the BR-393 / RJ, from the border between Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais to the junction with BR-116 (Via Dutra) in Volta Redonda, the concessionaire Rodovia do Aço invested in improvements in structure and maintenance, with the installation of 50 km of metal defenses, continuous monitoring and renovation of the road service. Also, noteworthy for the implementation of new ITS (Intelligent Transport System) equipment on the highway, which provides increased quality and modernity of CCTV equipment and systems cameras, traffic counters and other electronic route control services.SOCIAL RESPONSABILITYThe concessionaire Rodovia do Sol, which manages 67.5 km of the Rodovia do Sol - part of the ES-060 linking Vitoria to Guarapari along the Espirito Santo coastline, maintained signi cant investments in social responsibility in 2016. Noteworthy is, the program É o Bicho, for the protection and monitoring of wild animals; And the Troco Pedágio, a campaign in which the user can47

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