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ENLARGEMENT AND RECOGNITIONThe concessionaire Eco101 is responsible for the Capixaba section of BR-101, which links Rio de Janeiro to Bahia. There are 475.9 km, passing through 25 municipalities. It has carried out works of expansion of the route on four fronts, besides the implantation of the Contorno de Iconha. In 2016, Eco101 was the winner of the Value Brands Award, conducted by Rede Gazeta, af liated to Rede Globo in EspĂ­rito Santo, in the category of public service concession.In 2016, for the sixth consecutive year, Ecorodovias was included in the BME & Bovespa, ISE 2017 Portfolio, which indicates, among the companies listed on the Stock Exchange, those that exhibit the best sustainability practices37

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