Page 15 - CEAP Report Activities 2018
P. 15

It is through the Personalized Education that there is the development of skills and aptitudes. It is very challenging for a teacher to improve certain socioemotional competencies while they have to teach some specific technical content.
For that reason, CEAP believes that in the classroom there should be a focus on the development of the technical formation of each youngster so that they are able to gain knowledge, have innovative ideas, develop projects and specialize. After all, the knowledge gained through studies is very valuable.
However, there is also fundamental importance in the youngster’s relations outside the classroom, that is, it is necessary to find answers for this question: how to make him a better person and also prepare him for the job market?
Personalized Education comes to answer that question, proposing a new perspective of the formation, which is not only technical but also human, attending each individual as a unique being, gifted with a special personality and many aptitudes to be improved.
     “Mentoring is a mark in the life of these youngsters because, normally, they do not have someone who dedicates 100% of attention listening to them, understand them and guide them. When possible, the preceptor establishes a connection with the student so that he can talk openly, because the professional will not judge him or be offended by what the student says. Many parents do not know, want or notice the importance of that.
The work of mentoring focuses mainly on the behavior of the student and, in turn, it depends on how he is affected by the vicissitudes of life, so for a greater emotional balance in the behavior, it is essential that the person understands the reasons of such behavior. Increasing the level consciousness of people is the key factor for changing and it is, justly, one of the impacts of mentoring.”
Ronaldo Leite
Teacher and preceptor of CEAP

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