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30Since 1999, active in the segments of concession highways, urban mobility, airports and services. CCR Group is responsiblefor 2,908 km of the national concession highway network, in the states of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Paraná and Mato Grossodo Sul. It performs the management of the concessionaires CCR NovaDutra (SP-RJ),CCR ViaLagos (RJ), CCR RodoNorte (PR), CCR AutoBAn (SP), CCR ViaOeste (SP), CCR RodoAnel (SP), CCR SPVias and CCR MSVia (MS). It was also responsible for the rst highway concession contract in Brazil, with CCR Ponte, responsible for the Rio-Niterói Bridge from June 1995 to 31st May 2015. Committed to sustainable development, CCR has signed the Global Pact of the United Nations and is part of the theoretical portfolio of the ISE (Corporate Sustainability Index), BM & FBovespa. In 2014, it created the CCR Institute to give management and structurefor social, cultural, environmental and sports projects which have been supported for more than ten years by the company.2.908 KMCCR NovaDutra CCR AutoBan CCR SPVias CCR ViaOeste CCR ViaLagos CCR MSVia CCR RodoNorte CCR Rodoanel