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DEVELOPMENTCCR AutoBAn invested more than R$ 160 million in improvements in 2016. Among the principal works, is the implementation of additional lanes from km 87 to km 89 of the southern stretch of the Rodovia dos Bandeirantes (SP-348) and the reformulation of access to Rodovia Santos Dumont, with completion in early 2017. On the Via Anhanguera (SP-330), the concessionaire is working on the construction of the Jundiaí Road Complex. The project, which has generated 600 jobs, will reduce the route from the west to the center of the city, and will provide more  uidity to the excess of 40,000 vehicles that travel daily on the road.In addition, the concessionaire uses asphalt expansion joints for the construction of specially engineered structures. Widely used in Germany, they are a waterproof and  exible system for road surface expansion joints, which provide greater comfort to the user since it eliminates the “jolts” caused by vehicles going over the road surface. In 2016, Bandeirantes was elected - for the  fth consecutive year - the best highway in the country, according to the CNT (National Transportation Confederation) Survey.ADVANCED TECHNOLOGYThe use of virtualization technology is an important differential of COC ViaOeste, which invested about R$140 million in works and services of security, engineering and monitoring in 2016. With virtualization of the road, it is possible to make surveys on the highway with beams of light that measure the road surface based on the emission of laser pulses, without31

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