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32using the traditional methods (topography and inspection by engineers), which allows a more efficient management of vertical signalling by means of a georeferenced register. In 2016 CCR ViaOeste won the Concessionary of the Year Award, promoted by Artesp (São Paulo State Transport Agency). In addition to the main award, the concessionaire was the winner in the “Road Safety” category.IMPROVING INFRASTRUCTUREThe concessionaire CCR RodoAnel invested almost R $ 13 million in works, infrastructure improvement services and sustainable actions in 2016 and has advanced monitoring and security tools. Highlights include catch bags, a set of in atable cushions that allow heavy vehicles to be hauled without the use of winches. It is an important solution to maintain the smooth operation of the road, which interconnects  ve highways around São Paulo and therefore registers an intense volume of heavy vehicles and large loads.MODERNIZATION AND SUPPORTCCR NovaDutra, which links the capital cities of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, injected more than R$108 million in 2016 to modernize bridges and viaducts and increase traffic flow through the implementation of marginal lanes, security works and road access improvements - only on this highway, 174 thousand vehicles were attended to, during the year. One of the concessionaire’s best-known services, CCRFM 107.5 completed its third anniversary in 2016, bringing real-time information to users who travel on the route.

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