P. 34

34EcoRodovias is one of Brazil’s leading logistics infrastructure companies, with seven highway concessions, six logistics units and one port terminal operating in six states. In the road sector, the subsidiaries are: Ecovias (operates the Anchieta- Imigrantes System); Ecopistas (administers and operates the Ayrton Senna / Carvalho Pinto corridor); Ecovia (link from the city of Curitiba, PR, to the Port of Paranaguá via highway BR-277); Ecocataratas (BR-277); Ecosul (Polo Rodoviário de Pelotas (RS), with 457.3 km of federal roads), Eco 101 (BR-101, in Espírito Santo) and Ecoponte (Rio-Niterói Bridge). In 2016, for the sixth consecutive year, Ecorodovias was included in the BMF & Bovespa ISE 2017 Portfolio, which among the listed companies of the Stock Exchange, lists the 34 that presentthe best practices of sustainability and corporate governance.1.902 KMEcosul Ecovias Ecopistas Ecovia Ecocataratas Eco 101 Ecoponte

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